Saturday, November 5, 2016

Prayer of an Engineer

Lord Jesus, my rock and my foundation

Thank you, O Lord Jesus,
for giving me
talents and skills…
to plan and develop towns and cities;
to design and build dwelling places;
to put up edifices that reflect
humanity’s artistry.

Thank you, O lord Jesus,
for giving me the opportunity
to work for the community;
build houses to shelter families;
construct roads and highways;
renovate and restore churches
and other building to their
former beauty and grandeur.

I humbly ask you, O dear Jesus,
to help me…
finish the projects started,
win bids and contracts;                                                    

give my best effort;
and come up with my work
that I can proudly offer to you.

I kneel before you to ask humbly
for your blessing and protection.
Bless the project, O Lord;
bless the site I have chosen;
bless the machineries and equipment;
bless the workers and staff.

I humbly implore you….
give me the grace to aim high
and work hard to achieve my goal;
to be creative and constructive;
to be resourceful and responsible.

Thank you, O Lord Jesus,                                   for sending me
workers and assistants
who will ensure
that my projects are safe and sound,
strong and well-built.

Make me realize that while my life
is your precious gift to me,
my work and my achievements
are my gifts to you.
You, O Lord Jesus, are the rock
and foundation of my life and work.


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