Saturday, November 5, 2016

Prayer at the start of a new day

O dearest God, good morning!
As I begin my day,
let me offer what is pleasing to you.
To serve you, let med o
what is best for others.

Let me offer kind and inspiring words
to those who are discouraged;
extend helping and caring hands to the hurt and helpless;
give comfort to the lost and burdened;
attend to the needs of the abandoned;
Let me not consider their supplication
as an intrusion into my privacy
or as an unwelcome interruption in my busy schedule.

Rather, let me be grateful
for the opportunity to serve.
In helping them, I make
my love offering to you and do
what is praiseworthy in your eyes.

Today, O Lord, let me plan
what I will do for you.
I will persevere I my duties,
work hard for my dreams,
be supportive of my friends,
patient with my coworkers,
understanding toward my

As I begin my day, let me work out,
what is the best I can give you.
I must do all that is pleasing to you.
I promise to make this day
free from troubles and problems,
scandals and gossips,
sin and shame,
envy and jealousy.

O Lord God, make this day
happy, fulfilling, and peaceful.
Take this day in your caring hands
and fill it with your blessings.
I will use this day to glorify you,
filled with the hope
that I will be with you
in the life to come.


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