Sunday, November 6, 2016

Prayer at the end of the day

O loving God, I will do better tomorrow
O ever loving God,
as the day comes to an end,
I pause and recall in silence
what happened today.
I ask myself:
Have I done any good?
Have I spent my time fruitfully?
Have I given my best effort?
Or have I merely let the hours go by?

As I prepare for a good night’s rest,
let me first pray, O dearest God,
and share with you
the feelings in my heart…
gratitude, contrition,
and supplication.

At the end of the day,
I thank you, O dearest God,
for the meaningful opportunities
you threw my way today;
for the consoling and inspiring
happenings you made possible;
for the attentive and supportive
persons I met because of you.

I am deeply grateful to you…
for helping me achieve my goals,
finish a number of jobs,
follow a smooth schedule,
close certain deals,
solve problems,
work harmoniously with others, and
travel safely to and from the office.

At the end of the day,
let me express how sorry I am for….
being impatient,
losing my temper,
lacking the initiative,
failing to do good for others,
insisting on a wrong move.

I am sorry, O dearest God,
if I have been remiss in my duties
or taken my responsibilities lightly.
I promise to do better tomorrow.
I will strive to be productive,
effective and creative.

I meekly bring these humble petitons
before you, O dearest God.
Grant that I may have a restful night.
Invigorate my body
and renew my spirit,
so that I can work hard
and do more for others
in your name


Saturday, November 5, 2016

Prayer of an Engineer

Lord Jesus, my rock and my foundation

Thank you, O Lord Jesus,
for giving me
talents and skills…
to plan and develop towns and cities;
to design and build dwelling places;
to put up edifices that reflect
humanity’s artistry.

Thank you, O lord Jesus,
for giving me the opportunity
to work for the community;
build houses to shelter families;
construct roads and highways;
renovate and restore churches
and other building to their
former beauty and grandeur.

I humbly ask you, O dear Jesus,
to help me…
finish the projects started,
win bids and contracts;                                                    

give my best effort;
and come up with my work
that I can proudly offer to you.

I kneel before you to ask humbly
for your blessing and protection.
Bless the project, O Lord;
bless the site I have chosen;
bless the machineries and equipment;
bless the workers and staff.

I humbly implore you….
give me the grace to aim high
and work hard to achieve my goal;
to be creative and constructive;
to be resourceful and responsible.

Thank you, O Lord Jesus,                                   for sending me
workers and assistants
who will ensure
that my projects are safe and sound,
strong and well-built.

Make me realize that while my life
is your precious gift to me,
my work and my achievements
are my gifts to you.
You, O Lord Jesus, are the rock
and foundation of my life and work.


Prayer at the start of a new day

O dearest God, good morning!
As I begin my day,
let me offer what is pleasing to you.
To serve you, let med o
what is best for others.

Let me offer kind and inspiring words
to those who are discouraged;
extend helping and caring hands to the hurt and helpless;
give comfort to the lost and burdened;
attend to the needs of the abandoned;
Let me not consider their supplication
as an intrusion into my privacy
or as an unwelcome interruption in my busy schedule.

Rather, let me be grateful
for the opportunity to serve.
In helping them, I make
my love offering to you and do
what is praiseworthy in your eyes.

Today, O Lord, let me plan
what I will do for you.
I will persevere I my duties,
work hard for my dreams,
be supportive of my friends,
patient with my coworkers,
understanding toward my

As I begin my day, let me work out,
what is the best I can give you.
I must do all that is pleasing to you.
I promise to make this day
free from troubles and problems,
scandals and gossips,
sin and shame,
envy and jealousy.

O Lord God, make this day
happy, fulfilling, and peaceful.
Take this day in your caring hands
and fill it with your blessings.
I will use this day to glorify you,
filled with the hope
that I will be with you
in the life to come.
