Friday, March 25, 2016

Steps in Scientific Method

1. Observation – it is a way of gathering data through the use of five senses: sight, smell, touch, hear and taste. Qualitative observations describe what you see while quantitative observations measure what you see. The problem or question is based on observation.

2. Hypothesis – it is the tentative explanation for the observation. Possible solution to the question or problem is formed with the assumption that the answer could be incorrect.

3. Prediction – it is a specific statement deduced from the general statement in the hypothesis. Using hypothesis as a guide, a prediction can be made.

4. Experimentation – it is a way of testing the accuracy of the prediction. Controlled experiment involves testing a variable (experimental) against a control.

5. Data analysis – data from the experiment are collected, recorded, and analyzed.

6. Conclusion – it is the summary of the experiment’s results, and how the results match with the hypothesis. A valid conclusion must be based on: the facts observed in the experiments. The two options for the conclusions are reject the hypothesis, or accept the hypothesis.

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