Thursday, January 28, 2016

Parts of Volcano

Parts of Volcano

1. Parasitic cone - a small-coned shaped volcano formed by the accumulation of volcanic debris.
2. Sill - a flat piece of rock formed when magma hardens in a crack 
3. Vent - an opening on earth's surface through which volcanic materials escape.
4. Flank - the side of a volcano or mountain.
5. Summit - the highest point of a volcano.
6. Throat - entrance, part of conduit that ejects lava and volcanic ash.
7. Dike - formed when magma rises through a fracture or create a new crack by forcing its way through a rod.
8. Ash cloud - a cloud of ash formed by volcanic explosions.
9. Crater - a bowl like form at the top of the volcano.
10. Conduit pipe - a channel where the magma passes through.
11. Magma chamber - a reservoir of magma from which volcanic materials erupt.
12. Foot or base - is the lower part of the volcano.

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