Thursday, January 28, 2016


Types of Landforms

1. Plain - a wide flat area of land.

    Example: Central Plain
2. Island - a piece of land surrounded by water.
3. Desert - a hot, very dry, treeless area that is usually filled with sand.
4. Cape - a body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.
5. Valley - the low areas between two elevations.
      Example: Cagayan Valley, Cotabato Valley
6. Continent - a large continuous land mass.
7. Cliff - a steep face of rock and soil.
8. Coast - it is where land meets an ocean.
9. Archipelago - a group or chain of islands.
10. Canyon - landform with very steep sides and stepped or layered walls.
11. Prairie - is a grassy plain with few or no trees.
12. Peninsula - a pointed piece of land that sticks out into the sea, ocean, lake or river.
13. Isthmus - a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land mass.
14. Mountain - a land that is raised above the surrounding area.
       Example: Mt. Arayat - Pampanga, Mt. Apo - Davao, Mt.             Makiling, Mt. Banahaw
        Mt. Apo - is the highest mountain in the Philippines.
        Mt. Dulang-dulang - is the second highest found in                         Bukidnon
15. Hill - a land that is raised above the surrounding area, but is smaller than a mountain.
16. Dune - a temporary hills of sand shaped by the wind.
17. Volcano - a mountain having a cup-like crater in which the lava is expelled when it erupts.
18. Plateau - also called a high plain or table land, consisting of relatively flat surface that is raised above the surrounding area.
       Example: the Lanao-Bukidnon Plateau, the Tiruray Tableland of cotabato

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