Friday, January 29, 2016

Quiz (Air Pollution)

Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.
1. Living things on earth are protected from harmful radiation from the sun by:
A. clouds
B. ozone layer
C. atmosphere
D. carbon dioxide in the air
2. What are greenhouse gases?
A. gases that harm the earth
B. gases that we breathe
C. gases that trap the energy in the atmosphere
D. gases that keep the atmosphere cool
3. Which of the following gases depletes ozone in the atmosphere?
B. halons
C. methyl chloroform
D. hydrocarbon
4. All of the following are part of ozone depletion to human health except
A. It can cause sunburn and premature aging of the skin
B. It can cause cataract
C. It can lower bad cholesterol
D. It can cause skin cancer
5. What is meant by trace gases?
A. They are not harmful.
B. They are emitted by trees.
C. They are naturally occurring on Earth
D. They are present in very small amounts.

1. B
2. C
3. A
4. C
5. D

Quiz (atmosphere)

Multiple Choice: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the best answer from the given choices.

1. What is the basis for the division of the layers of the atmosphere surrounding Earth?
A. changing temperature
B. changing amount of oxygen
C. changing weather patterns
D. changing composition of gases
2. What is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere?
A. argon
B. carbon dioxide
C. nitrogen
D. oxygen
3. Which layer of the atmosphere contains the ozone layer?
A. mesosphere
B. stratosphere
C. thermosphere
D. troposphere
4. In which atmospheric layer is most water vapor found?
A. troposphere
B. stratosphere
C. mesosphere
D. thermosphere
5. In which layer do virtually all weather phenomena take place?
A. exosphere
B. mesosphere
C. stratosphere
D. troposphere

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Types of Landforms

1. Plain - a wide flat area of land.

    Example: Central Plain
2. Island - a piece of land surrounded by water.
3. Desert - a hot, very dry, treeless area that is usually filled with sand.
4. Cape - a body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.
5. Valley - the low areas between two elevations.
      Example: Cagayan Valley, Cotabato Valley
6. Continent - a large continuous land mass.
7. Cliff - a steep face of rock and soil.
8. Coast - it is where land meets an ocean.
9. Archipelago - a group or chain of islands.
10. Canyon - landform with very steep sides and stepped or layered walls.
11. Prairie - is a grassy plain with few or no trees.
12. Peninsula - a pointed piece of land that sticks out into the sea, ocean, lake or river.
13. Isthmus - a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land mass.
14. Mountain - a land that is raised above the surrounding area.
       Example: Mt. Arayat - Pampanga, Mt. Apo - Davao, Mt.             Makiling, Mt. Banahaw
        Mt. Apo - is the highest mountain in the Philippines.
        Mt. Dulang-dulang - is the second highest found in                         Bukidnon
15. Hill - a land that is raised above the surrounding area, but is smaller than a mountain.
16. Dune - a temporary hills of sand shaped by the wind.
17. Volcano - a mountain having a cup-like crater in which the lava is expelled when it erupts.
18. Plateau - also called a high plain or table land, consisting of relatively flat surface that is raised above the surrounding area.
       Example: the Lanao-Bukidnon Plateau, the Tiruray Tableland of cotabato

Parts of Volcano

Parts of Volcano

1. Parasitic cone - a small-coned shaped volcano formed by the accumulation of volcanic debris.
2. Sill - a flat piece of rock formed when magma hardens in a crack 
3. Vent - an opening on earth's surface through which volcanic materials escape.
4. Flank - the side of a volcano or mountain.
5. Summit - the highest point of a volcano.
6. Throat - entrance, part of conduit that ejects lava and volcanic ash.
7. Dike - formed when magma rises through a fracture or create a new crack by forcing its way through a rod.
8. Ash cloud - a cloud of ash formed by volcanic explosions.
9. Crater - a bowl like form at the top of the volcano.
10. Conduit pipe - a channel where the magma passes through.
11. Magma chamber - a reservoir of magma from which volcanic materials erupt.
12. Foot or base - is the lower part of the volcano.