Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Accuracy of Content
The student shows deep understanding of the life, works, and achievements of the different scientists; how their life and works influence our daily life and the world were discussed in details.
The student shows considerable understanding of the life, works, and achievements of the different scientists; how their life and works influence our daily life and the world were discussed in part.
The student shows shallow understanding of the life, works, and achievements of the different scientists; how their life and works influence our daily life and the world were mentioned but not discussed
The student shows limited understanding of the life, works, and achievements of the different scientists; how their life and works influence our daily life and the world were not discussed.
Organization of Ideas
All elements in the product are logically presented and consistent.

A very clear message is conveyed to the audience.

Most elements in the product are logically presented and consistent.

A clear message is conveyed to the audience.
Some elements in the product are logically presented and consistent.

The message conveyed to the audience is clear but lacks details.
Few elements in the product are logically presented and consistent.

The message conveyed to the audience is not clear.
Appropriate descriptive language was used; a variety of strong words creates vivid pictures in the student’s mind.
Appropriate descriptive language was used; some words create pictures in the student’s mind.
Descriptive language was used; a few words create pictures in the student’s mind.
Inappropriate descriptive language was used; some words are too confusing.
The product is very creative; a lot of effort and detail went into the work.
The product is creative; some effort and detail went into the work.
The product is somewhat creative; limited effort and detail went into the work.
The product is somehow creative; very little effort and detail went into the work.

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