Friday, April 22, 2016

The Scientific Method

Read and analyze the following cases.

Ø  Case A
In 1928, Alexander Fleming, a researcher, unintentionally left a dish (in which bacteria were growing) exposed in his laboratory when he went on vacation. When he returned, he noticed certain areas of the culture medium where no bacteria were growing. Upon investigation, it turned out that those areas were occupied by the mold Penicillium notaum.

He investigated the phenomenon further. His experiment showed that the mold produced a substance (which he called penicillin) and that this substance prevented the growth of certain bacteria. This was how the first antibiotic was discovered.

Ø  Case B
There was something special about the science fair sponsored by the Science Education Institute (Department of Science and Technology) and Intel Philippines in Academic Year 1999-2000. One of the winning entries was submitted by a high school freshman. Her name is Karen S. Braganza of Arellano High School, Manila. Her project was titled A Feasibility Study on the Utilization of Mine Tailing as an Alternative Raw Material for Ceramic Tile and Vase.

As the project title suggests, Karen studied the feasibility of making tiles and vases using mine tailing. This was confirmed by her research findings: mine tailing is a low-cost raw materials, and it can be made into good ceramic tiles and vases. Furthermore, such utilization of mine tailing offers a solution to one source of environmental (water and land) pollution.

Karen’s project won awards at both the national and international levels of the Intel Science Fair.

Ø  Case C
The case of Albert Einstein is unique in that his brilliant conclusions were derived from thought experiments rather than laboratory experiments. Perhaps his greatest and most fundamental contribution to science is his general theory of relativity in 1916. This theory describes the relationship between matter and energy, represented by the most equation in physics: E = mc2 (where E is energy, m is mass and c2 is the speed of light squared). This implies that matter can be converted into energy. In this conversion, the energy produced or released is equal to the amount of converted mass multiplied by the square of the speed of light.

Einstein work provided the theoretical basis of later scientific and technological advances such as electronics, space travel and the atomic bomb. They also made it possible for us to understand a wide range of concepts – from the smallest subatomic forces to the secrets of the unfathomably large universe (from the Big Bang Theory to black holes).

In Search of an Answer

Case A is a classic example of what is known as serendipity. The term refers to the phenomenon of finding something valuable without intentionally looking for it.

But was accidentally discovered by Fleming was a phenomenon in itself: there were areas in the culture dish where bacteria were absent. Instead of bacteria, those areas were occupied by a mold. The researcher was confronted with the problem: “Why this phenomenon?” This is one reason why scientists undertake research: to explain a natural phenomenon.

Case B shows other reasons for undertaking research. The researcher (Ms. Braganza) was looking for an answer that would allow her to make products that were useful, of good quality and beautiful – ceramic tiles and vases – using mine tailing as raw material.

From another point of view, one can say that the researcher was looking for a way to solve a problem: mine tailings pollute both land and water. The main question is: “How can pollution from mine tailings be minimized?” Using mine tailing as a raw material for tiles and vases is certainly one way of eliminating mine tailings from the environment.

Case C demonstrates still another purpose of research: to discover and formulate new concepts and theories in search of truth.

To summarize, scientists conduct research for various reasons including the following:
a. to explain a certain phenomenon;
b. to solve a problem;
c. to find ways of improving people’s lives through new products, gadgets and processes or ways of doing things; and
d. to discover new concepts and theories in search of truth.

Steps to Reach the Answer

There may be variations in the way the answers to research questions are obtained. But laboratory research activities follow the same general pattern described below.

a. The researchers identify the problem they want to investigate. (This step is called identifying the problem).
b. They try to learn as much about the problem as possible from all available sources. (This step is called gathering of preliminary data.)
c. Based on step b, they venture a possible solution to the problem or a possible explanation of the phenomenon (this step is called formulating a hypothesis).
d. A hypothesis is meant to be tested. This may involve an experiment. During this step, the researchers gather as much experimental data as necessary to be able to tell if the hypothesis is correct or not.
e. Then the researchers analyze and interpret the data obtained in d above. Analysis of the data or results of the experiment enables them to list down their findings.
f. Based on the findings in e, they draw a generalization or conclusion regarding the problem or phenomenon that they are investigating.

g. To verify if their generalization in f above is correct, they try to apply it to a similar situation and see if it will hold.

Spectrum Wheel (Worksheet)


In this activity, you should be able to

1. construct a spectrum wheel and
2. explore the characteristics of light such as energy, frequency and wavelength.

Materials Needed

·         Spectrum Wheel Pattern
·         Cardboard or illustration board
·         Button fastener
·         Glue or Paste


Part 1: Spectrum Wheel

1. Cut the two art files that make up the wheel as shown below.
2. Cut along the lines drawn on the top wheel. The small window near the center of the wheel should be completely cut out and removed.
3. Punch a whole into the center of the two wheels together. You may use a button fastener to hold the two wheels securely in place, one on top of the other, but they should be free to rotate relative to each other.

4. When you see a region of the EM spectrum show up in the open window and the “W, F, E” that correspond to that region showing up under the flaps then you know that you have done it right.

Part 2: Characteristics of Light

Try out your Spectrum Wheel by positioning the inner most of the flaps on EM SPECTRUM. This will simultaneously position the order flaps to ENERGY, WAVELENGTH, and FREQUENCY.

Turn the upper wheel and observe the combinations.

Fill in the table below with the corresponding combinations you have observed using your Spectrum Wheel.

Table 1. Characteristics of Light

1. How are frequency and wavelength related for a specific region of the spectrum?
2. What can you observe with the values of the product of frequency and wavelength in the different spectra?
3. How is ENERGY related to FREQUENCY?

Frequency x



Visible Light



Gamma Ray

Colors of Light (Worksheet)


In this activity, you should be able to

1. make a color spectrum wheel;
2. explore the characteristics of color lights; and
3. observe how primary colors combine to form other colors.

Materials Needed

·         Color Spectrum Wheel Pattern Cardboard or illustration board
·         white screen
·         plastic filters (green, blue and red)
·         3 pieces of high intensity flashlights
·         button fastener
·         glue or paste


Part 1: Color Wheel

1. Cut the two art files that make up the wheel as shown below.
2. Cut along the lines drawn on the top wheel. Cut the 2 sides as shown. The small window near the center of the wheel should be completely cut out and removed.
3. Punch a hole at the center of the two wheels. You may use a button fastener to secure the two wheels together one on top of the other, but they should be free to rotate relative to each other.

4. When you see a region of the Color spectrum show up in the open window and the “W, F, E” that correspond to that region showing up under the flaps then you know that you have done it right.

Part 2: Characteristics of Light

1. Try out your Color Spectrum Wheel by positioning the inner most of the flaps on COLOR SPECTRUM. This will simultaneously position the other flaps to ENERGY, WAVELENGTH and FREQUENCY.
2. Turn the upper wheel and observe the combinations.
3. Fill in the table below with the corresponding combinations you have observed using your Spectrum Wheel.

Characteristics of Color Lights

Frequency X






4. You will need to convert the equivalents of frequencies to Hz and the equivalent wavelengths to meters. Note that terra (T) is a prefix for 1014 while nano (n) is a prefix equivalent to 10-9 .

1. Which color registers the highest frequency? shortest wavelength?
2. Which color registers the lowest frequency? longest wavelength?
3. What do you observe with the wavelength and frequency of the different colors?
4. What did you observe with the product of wavelength and frequency for each color? What is the significance of this value?
5. What can you say about the speed of the different colors of light in air?
6. Give a plausible explanation as to why white light separate into different colors.


A. Study the scenario described below. It illustrates what an experiment is.

Ms. Gatdula was invited by a friend to visit her in Baguio City. Before leaving her home in Manila, she instructed her helper to feed the fish in the aquarium during her absence.

It was May. The summer heat was almost unbearable. The helper was worried about the fish entrusted to her.

One very warm afternoon, she got a tray of ice cubes and put all of them into the aquarium. In just a short while, all the fish in the aquarium died.

Anthony, a nephew of Ms. Gatdula, learned about the tragic incident. But he did not reprimand the helper right away. He wanted to be sure of the cause of death of the fish. Here is what he did:

·         He bought six fish of the same kind as those that had died. He kept them in the aquarium for two days.
·         Then he got two large wide-mouthed bottles, or glass jars, of the same size. He labeled one Jar No. 1 and the other Jar No. 2 He put the same amount of water and three fish in each jar, together with some aquarium plants.
·         When the fish had stayed in the jars for two days, he put ice cubes in Jar No.1
·         He observed that the fish in Jar No. 1 died. Those in Jar No. 2 did not.

Now answer the following questions.

1. For his investigation, why did Anthony buy the same kind of fish as those that had died? Could he not have used just any kind of aquarium fish?
2. Why did Anthony keep the fish he had bought in the aquarium for two days before starting his investigation?
3. Why did he use two jars of the same size, put the same amount of water in the jars, and place three fish in each jar? Was it necessary that the conditions in the two jars be the same at the beginning of the experiment? Why or why not?
4. Why did he put ice cubes in only one jar? Why not in both jars?
5. What did Anthony want to find out from this experiment?

B. Use the following terms about experiment.

a. Hypothesis – a possible solution to a problem or a possible explanation of a phenomenon; ex: Anthony’s hypothesis was that the fish in the aquarium died because of the sudden drop in the temperature of the water.
b. Experiment – an activity specially designed to test if a hypothesis is right or wrong.
c. Variable – a particular aspect of an experiment that may be changed. Ex: temperature of the water where the fish live.
d. Experimental setup – the set up where one variable has been changed; Ex: Jar No.1

e. Control setup – the setup identical to the experimental setup except that no variable has been changed; Ex: Jar No. 2.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Worksheet Light with Rubric Scoring

Title of the Activity: Light Up Straight!


In this activity, you should be able to design an experiment given several materials to show that light travels in a straight line.

Materials Needed

·         2 pieces of cardboard
·         cutting tool
·         bright room
·         ruler or meter stick
·         permanent marker
·         pencil
·         any object (e.g. medium size Johnson’s face powder bottle)

General Instructions

1. Given the materials design a 5-6 step procedure to test that light follows a straight line or not.
2. Remember that you are only allowed to use the materials specified in this particular activity.
3. Check the rubric scoring for your guide.

Lighting Up Straight

Rubric Scoring


*Steps are

*The procedure
included about
5-6 steps.

*All materials
given to the
group are
utilized in the
* Steps are

*The procedure
included about
3-4 steps.

*75% of the
materials given
to the group
are utilized in
the procedure.
* Steps are

*The procedure
included about
3-4 steps.

*50% of the
materials given
to the group
are utilized in
the procedure.
* Steps are

*The procedure
included about
2-3 steps.

*25% of the
materials given
to the group
are utilized in
the procedure.

Result of
The group successfully
attained the object to prove
that light travels in a
straight line
using their
designed procedure.
The group has
attained the object to prove
that light travels in a
straight line
using their
designed procedure but
there are some
steps that are
not very clear.
The group has
attained the
object to prove
that light travels in a
straight line
using their
The group had
some effort but
was not able to
attained the
object to prove
that light travels in a
straight line
using their designed.

Cooperation and Team
Each one of
completed their
task so as to
come up with
the expected output.
About 75% of the members completed their
task so as to come up with
the expected
About 50% of
the members
completed their
task so as to come up with
the expected output.
About 25% of
the members
did his/her job.
